Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

Chicco - 1

World seemed to be nice to me.
It let me roam like a fellow chicken exploring the shrubs.
Hooman let me find the best lap to nap
Unca let me snuggle to him
The neighbor's doggie allowed me to sip his milk bowl.
Other hoomans patted me and called me
which sounded like 'pus, pus'
Am Chicco, by the way! 
Pus - pus are unknown!


They didn't talk to me, by the way
No one asked about my days, 
or cared where I slept.
None of them fed me regularly
I need no more than fresh fish at a time
oh well, and some nice catfood, to end up
Neither did they offer me jeans to be my scratch post
I told them I am a tough back-tracker
And 'twas only my hooman recognized it

My hooman,
was the only one surrendered upon my claws,
fell on her knees for me snuggle
My hooman,
was the only one talking about my dumpty nose,
flicked ears, long hands,
and who was toooooo silly to bend just to see
my eyes.


Holy glory morning!
I rushed to the kitchen door, waiting for my hooman to open up.. for, my, am terribly hungry. Can't I deny the grouching tummy throughout the night, though she put some catfood in the plate.

Still. The door closed.
Still. I sat straight.

"What is she doing there? Can't she open up her very eyes and get out of the bed to see me? Can't she think that am soooooooo starving?"

My ears turned back a little. My brother and sister were too, awaken. But that's all, neither of them went off the chair and helped me miaowing for the very sake door!
I knew my uncle was inside. No, no! Not trapped!
He did good things. Uhm... I meant that he didn't poo inside, because he knew that the best place was always somewhere outside. I also meant that he was way-beyond words of cuteness, without all meows. All he got just purrs and a little growl. Oh! And bright talks to her, our hooman!

Ah! My poor tummy!

It seemed to be thousand of years when my hooman opened the door and asked " cutie pieeeeee" and dragged me.
Then suddenly all of the emptiness faded away.

Minggu, 12 November 2017

Sepenggal kisah di Salatiga

 Salatiga, kota kecil di antara Solo dan Semarang, menantiku di akhir minggu kedua November 2017.  
 Masih menjadi kota kecil yang sibuk, penuh pendatang dan petualang. Termasuk aku, perantau ke kota tetangga, yang kangen pada suatu titik di masa lalu, tak tergantikan. 
      Satu sudut kangen adalah sisa-sisa     
      bangunan lama yang masih bertahan
      di tengah geliat kota. Rumah ini salah satunya, ada di area ABC, beberapa meter di seberang hotel Laras Asri. Lihat relung lubang angin yang cantik dan jendela kayu bercat hijau dengan bayangan seseorang.. pasti banyak hal yang ingin diceritakannya...

 Sudut kangen kedua adalah hal kuliner. Makanan ini grontol jagung namanya. Dibuat dari jagung yang direndam semalaman lalu direbus dengan garam. Proses pembuatannya berbanding lurus dengan kelangkaan pembuat dan penjualnya. Di masa kecilku, makanan ini ada di dekat warung yang sering kukunjungi dekat rumah nenek. Penjualnya sudah berumur, berkebaya dan selalu sibuk dengan jualannya. Biasanya penjualnya akan menata dagangannya di atas tampah, lengkap dengan gendar, bakwan, pecel daun adas, grontol jagung, klepon, ketan dan lupis.
Bisa disimpulkan, kangen kuliner ini juga merupakan kangen suatu bentuk masa lalu.

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

the oldies

 I enjoy looking at old houses and searching information about it. The mystery? May be...
This picture was taken in Salatiga, Central Java, in my previous Eid holiday.
Standing on top of a small hill, this house stood lonely looking at the East, kinda an elderly among the new generations. It has brick entrances that bring us to the steep, cemented steps lead to the front door. There are no gates surrounding the house, even we could pop up from the right of the house (there is a small path on the right, leading to the kampong).
 A crisscrossed wooden window is found on the left of the doubled front door. There was possibility that the cover was added years after its initial shape removed. The balustrade is different from the previous window on the right of the house.

 I found this on the left of the crisscrossed window, seemed to be the last part of the house. Having three square holes and edged closely, it was not easy to guess the function. The small step seen leads to another door on the side of the house.
 These double front door is uniquely decorated by square, small opaque glasses, which was pretty popular at its time (I don't have exact idea about the time, probably 30es).
What interest me most are the carved balustrade on the window. Also the contour of the soil that created unique, narrow, stepping garden on each side of the steps.
I really hope the untold stories of the house and the architectural points could reserve this house from being altered, like the other old buildings.

colorful yum yum

sejak kemarin iseng lihat-lihat isi lemari dan kulkas, siapa tahu ada yang bisa dibuat sesuatu. Ternyata ada kolang-kaling sisa waktu berbuka puasa, sebotol sirup vanili, sekaleng jeruk, sekotak strawberry dan sebungkus jeli Nutrijell. Tuiiing! anything to something that must be colorful! Maka, supaya lebih meriah, aku beli sebutir melon merah :D
Cara buatnya gampang banget... Pertama buat jelly dulu (gulanya sedikit, sekitar 6 sendok susu formula, supaya tidak terlalu manis/eneg waktu bercampur dengan bahan lainnya), supaya bisa dicetak dan disimpan di kulkas (dingin lebih yum yum), sambil memotong-motong melon. Jangan lupa jeruk kalengan ditiriskan. Lalu potong kolang-kaling jadi 2 bagian dan strawberry jadi 4. Waktu jelly sudah dingin, tempatkan dia di mangkuk bersama kolang-kaling, potongan melon, jeruk kaleng dan potongan strawberry. Terakhir siram dengan sirup vanili dan air matang.
Hasilnya seperti di foto itu.. Jadi kepingin buat kan...